The EVC/CEO NASENI @KSHalilu @COP28_UAE sideline event on 3rd December, 2023, signed an MoU with the @REANigeria, as an outcome of @NASENIHQ commitment and strategic engagement to leverage on the two agencies expertise and resources towards achieving FGN’s goals for the electrification of underserved rural communities in Nigeria. The MoU will provide technical assistance and expertise to support the REA’s rural electrification projects. NASENI is to facilitate research and appropriate technology transfer aimed at promoting energy efficiency and conservation for optimizing the use of energy resources, as well as all-round sustainability measures for the longevity of rural electrification projects. Halilu Said NASENI is committed to fulfilling the Agency’s obligations and excited to join REA in the implementation of the Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP), which aims to provide electricity access to underserved rural communities.